How Can We Help You?
Revenue Maximizer Solution
We have found the path
We have the solution
BFCM Ready or Not
Say it ain’t so
This blockbuster time of year for DTC marketers is coming fast, so early
planning is critical.
Here is your hit list of things you can do now to be ready for your best BFCM
Build your list now, use better capture techniques and contests to get your
list #’s up
Time to add SMS to email?
Plan an offer that you can provide to List members via “early access”
Special message to lapsed customers
#1 Idea Personalise @ scale
If you have customer data you can
personalise your message
Product landing Pages built on modern Headless Tech are simple to build, can
greatly improve the customer journey and response.
Wineries and ALC/BEV Licensees
2022 has become the Year of the Club*
AOV has NEVER been higher
Improve Capture at high traffic locations = nurture= more Club Members
For a Free Trial of our Customer Engagement Platform that allow you to exceed your new customer capture goals over BFCM click here